event management - event production - brand design and styling

Thursday, January 14, 2010

A minute inside a dreamers mind…

Ever tried to put what you want into words? Late last year I attempted too…..

When your young you are asked the question about a million times…What do you want to be when you grow up? Policeman, doctor, teacher and dancer are in the top ten responses. We were asked the question so many times that we could have given a different answer each time and never repeated an occupation. I over heard a small child and his mum on the bus on the way to work one day and his mum had asked the question (probably for the hundredth time)
What do you want to be when you grow up sweetie ?...
The small child replied,
‘Mum, you have asked me one million times if you forget again I will have to give you a time out’
Smart kid!

Maybe being asked this question too many times affects the way we look at working and getting a job. It took me 2 years of a degree that I wasn’t happy in to realise that I should make a degree ‘fit me’ rather than trying to change what I was good at or what I loved to fit a specified course. Insert a lot of soul searching and that lead me to where I am today.

I am about to graduate from a Bachelor of Business in Marketing with a Major in Design. I love communicating with people and integrating strategies with real life situations. I strive to achieve goals and build business strategies from brain storming ideas. I enjoy testing the boundaries of new social media techniques and how they affect consumer, brand relationships. The psychologies of consumerism and consumer behaviour are two fields I have excelled in. I will continue to brand myself as an ambassador of the importance of customer service and relationship marketing. Fashion is my love and the retail industry is where my expertise (and most of my savings) are. This is what I am good at and this is what I will continue to strive to improve at. So if you where to ask me the question again ... that is what I want to be when I grow up.

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